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Please provide us with your open and honest feedback. We greatly appreciate it
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How did the Self Care 101 Ebook change things for you in your life?*
What did you hope to gain from reading the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
Did you gain what you were looking for?*
Were your expectations met?*
Did you develop any new strengths after reading the Self Care 101 Ebook ? If so, please state what they were. If not just answer no.*
What was the main benefit for you since reading the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
What major insights or breakthroughs did you have since reading the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
What will you do differently now based on what you took from the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
What did you like most about the Self Care 101 Ebook?*
Is there anything that you would have liked to be done differently?*